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Home » Andrew Pochter: The Work Remains

Photo from the Pochter family to the NYTimes

A slam poem on the Israel-Palestinian conflict with Andrew Pochter:

In his own words : “There are no more good people in the middle of the road… We do not quiver under the jackboots of bigotry… blood spills upon blood… I am the chorus of sirens under the olive tree… I am my brother’s keeper… how much evil can we swallow… think of all of the innocents that have died… how could you, how could you, we are the victims… + together with the words of a Palestinian student: The conversation needs to be said… you have laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation… We are here because of a future where we can switch to peace and a resolution.”

In the Atlas Mountains - from Al-Arabiya

In the Atlas Mountains – from Al-Arabiya

Receiving his certificate of completing his Arabic course in el-Jadida, Morocco.

From the Kenyon College Newsroom

GAMBIER, Ohio (June 29, 2013)

Andrew D. Pochter lost his life in the Middle East while on a quest for knowledge and understanding.

Andrew, 21-years-old and anticipating his junior year at Kenyon, was killed in mob violence in Alexandria, Egypt, on Friday, June 28. His family, mentors, and friends described him as a fun-loving, active student of the world with a facility for foreign languages. He rooted for the underdog, was a host at the College radio station, and broke his nose playing rugby.

“He was one of the rare kids who lived what he believed,” said Marc Bragin, Hillel director and Jewish chaplain at Kenyon. “His belief was that everyone should be included, everyone had a voice, and no one should be left out because what they think is different than what others think.”

Andrew of Chevy Chase, Md., was a religious studies major. Raised a Christian, he was reared in a home with both Christian and Jewish parents, said his mother, Elizabeth Pochter, and he had become interested in his Jewish heritage. He was co-manager of Hillel House, where he had lived during his sophomore year. Andrew was also a member of the Middle Eastern Students Association (MESA).

“Andrew was interested in the whole Jewish side and the whole Palestinian side,” his mother said. His activity in the Middle Eastern Students Association was very important to him, she added.

He was a student of Arabic and had spent a gap year in Morocco after graduating from the Blue Ridge School in St. George, Va., and before arriving at Kenyon. “He became totally enchanted with Morocco,” she said. “He had his heart set on learning the different Arabic dialects.”

The trip to Morocco was a product of a National Security Language Initiative for Youth scholarship, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. The program aims to instill a love of foreign languages and culture in order to foster international engagement. The Arabic program in Morocco involved a home stay, community service and language immersion. Andrew felt comfortable speaking Arabic and French and had a grasp of Spanish and Italian.

He went to Egypt this year after completing his second year at Kenyon as an intern for AMIDEAST, an American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. While there, he had lived in an Egyptian home and taught English to seven- and eight-year-old Egyptian children.

Andrew had planned to spend the spring semester of the 2013-14 academic year studying in Amman, Jordan, as part of the AMIDEAST Education Abroad Program, where he intended to attain conversational fluency in Arabic and grasp a better understanding of the political and religious dynamics of the Middle East.

In an essay as part of his application for the study-abroad program in Jordan, Andrew discussed his fascination with other cultures and languages. And he reflected on his hopes to develop “life-long ties … with Arab-speaking friends.”

Kenyon Provost Nayef H. Samhat, who becomes president of Wofford College on July 1, knew Andrew as a student in his independent study course on the politics of the Middle East. “He was a thoughtful and soft-spoken young man with a deep concern about the region and its transformation,” Samhat said. “He had great intellectual curiosity, and his desire to better the Middle East clearly shaped his vision of what his life might be and where it might take him.”

Sean M. Decatur, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Oberlin College who becomes the president of Kenyon on July 1, and Barry F. Schwartz ’70, chairman of the Kenyon College Board of Trustees, have both communicated with the Pochter family. “Andrew’s death is a very sad and tragic loss,” Decatur said. “He was an important part of the lives of many faculty and students, and he had a tremendous impact on the Kenyon community. His work and activities this summer – teaching English to Egyptian youth while deepening his own understanding of the Arabic language and Egyptian culture – are emblematic of the engagement with learning and the world to which we all aspire.”

Dean of Students Henry P. Toutain said a memorial service for Andrew will be held in the fall. He described Andrew as “an engaged and values-driven student who greatly enriched our community and reached out beyond it consistent with his passionate commitment to peace.”

Andrew enjoyed his time at Kenyon, his mother said. “From the moment Andrew walked on the campus, he just loved it,” she said.

“He was really fun-loving and sweet, a great friend,” his mother said. “He was very attentive to his friends and to his family. And he had so many passionate interests. Andrew was a great cook and loved spending time in the kitchen, cooking with others.”

While taking a Kenyon course on Middle Eastern politics, he read poems about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to his girlfriend, Clara Fischman ’13. “The class wasn’t just about some detached war to him, but a struggle that he passionately wanted to resolve,” she said. “Andrew was a person who didn’t see the world as separate nations, but a collection of vibrant cultures.”

Former MESA president Tess Waggoner ’13 of Maumee, Ohio, said, “He was dedicated very much to making people understand each other. He was a bridge-builder.”

Andrew was the philanthropy chair for his fraternity, Alpha Delta Phi. Fraternity brother Andrew Tint ’13 of New Providence, N.J., said Andrew helped raise money for victims of domestic violence. “Andrew was someone who really cared,” Tint said. “He cared about each person. He would go out of his way to talk to you. He was one of those few genuinely nice people.”

Kenyon President S. Georgia Nugent lamented the loss of a student who had touched so many lives at Kenyon.

“It is always a tragedy for a young person to lose his or her life prematurely,” she said. “Andrew’s death is especially troubling, resulting as it did from the political violence that plagues our world today. As I step down from the presidency of the College tomorrow, I can only hope that Andrew’s loss will lead members of the Kenyon community to re-dedicate themselves to seeking and fostering peace in whatever ways they can.”

In addition to his mother, Andrew is survived by his father, Theodore Pochter, and sister, Emily Pochter.

How easy it is to claim his death (from The Forward):

Bill Pearlman ·
An Idealistic Jewish kid goes to the land of the Moslem Brotherhood to help the “people”. And gets a knife in the chest. Boy, who could have possibly seen that one coming.

Genelevit ·
Another confused Jew paid the price for his naivete. What concerns me even more is that similarly uthopian Jews from the “J street” (unlike Andrew) want the others to pay for their naivety

Melvin Bonzarelli·
Reminds me of the scene in “Animal House” where Flounder and Otter take their dates into an all-black lounge, and respond to the hostile stares of the clientele (remember this took place in the segregated South) by assuring themselves that “Otis loves us”!
Do they give out Darwin Awards in Egypt?

bamboobabu ·
I feel sorry for the two above posts. All they have to say is negative.
We should applaud this young lad for showing the real Jewish spirit.
Too bad he was caught in a street fight which is very unfortunate.
Making a dig at J-Street shows this person lacks compassion and an open mind!

Matt613 ·
Let’s just say there were smarter things for Mr. Pochter to do and let it go at that.

Michael_Welbeck ·
What does a nazislamist like you know about the “real Jewish spirit”.
His terrible fate is clear evidence he did not really understand how decayed the Muslim world is and unfortunately it was a fatal mistake.

Ch Hoffman ·
if a jewish kid from a liberal arts college thinks he’s going to change the lunacy that has engulfed egypt, then he’s showing that his parents should have given him a few doses of reality along with the credit cards and summer camps

An excellent point. My heart aches for Pochter’s family—and for Pochter himself. Still, an optimism which would cause an individual to willingly place himself in the forefront of a Middle Eastern revolution and at the same time elevate the belief that one’s good will is all that is necessary for bodily safety is an ideology centered within the absurd. It is a tragic example of what happens when one’s positive views concerning ethnicity and diversity on foreign shores are not supported by facts—the fruits of Cognitive Dissonance at its worse.

Michael_Welbeck ·
He was certainly a great kid but the way Forward is exploiting his death for the benefit of their cretin leftist cause is outrageous and very far from Jewish Values.

Avrumele ·
The right-wing posters on all the articles about Andrew Pochter have again demonstrated the very close connection between far-right-wing thinking and violent vindictiveness. The young man’s body is not even cold and already all the rightists are dancing on his grave. The viciousness of the posts on this article and others on this horrible event indicates that some of the posters here are practically gleeful that this idealistic and courageous young man was murdered. It suggests, once again, a puzzle that analysts of the far-right have pondered throughout the past century – whether immersion in far-right ideology makes one violent or whether violent people are attracted to right-wing thought. In any case, the obscene responses to this murder by the right-wing posters demonstrate yet again the nature of the pathology which afflicts certain sectors of the Jewish world. These posters are not fit even to utter the name of Andrew Pochter, zt’l, let alone to post their obscene smirks at his murder. In this period, “bayn ha-metzarim,” we can only say, with the prophet, “al ayleh ani bochiyah.”

Boris Ryvkin·
Yes, because the far-left isn’t at all violent or pathological? Your fellows in Israel have pursued policies of craven surrender and betrayed their fellow Jews, leading to thousands of our people being butchered by the Arabs. You and your fellows on the left did next to nothing during the Holocaust and decades of Soviet rule to help Jews in need. This does not even begin to address the human misery that your ideological brethren have foisted upon our world over the past hundred years (poverty, millions in shallow graves and labor camps, depressed and stagnating economies, cultural relativism and people who were simply thwarted from reaching their full potential because of weakened opportunity). And worse, against this grotesque background, you go on a tirade against a phantom menace. The “far-right”? Surely you are not suggesting Nazis or Italian fascists, since both are fundamentally leftist ideological movements. Is it the five and a half guys with white hoods in the south who frighten you or those Christian reactionaries that we should be obsessed with? Don’t recall either of these groups having the power to do much of anything in the recent past. Or is it those settlers in the so-called West Bank who you despise? You know, fellow Jews living in and preserving our land against the Arabs who deny Israel’s legitimacy and seek its complete destruction. Yes, I could see why they would bother you. Either you live in a dream world of your own making or you are just proud of being ignorant. In either case, you cannot rewrite history or hope the rest of us don’t know it.

As for poor Andrew, how dare you say that we are dancing on his grave? If he were raised with real Jewish values of love for fellow Jews, an ability to distinguish enemies from friends and pride in his Jewish identity rather than the faux liberalism masquerading as Judaism, very likely he would still be alive today instead of a victim at the hands of an Arab mob (over half of whom, based on rough population extrapolations, are functionally illiterate). For you to talk about Jewish graves after the numbers your idiotic policies have caused is not only obscene, but frankly sad.

“If he were raised with real Jewish values of love for fellow Jews, an ability to distinguish enemies from friends and pride in his Jewish identity rather than the faux liberalism masquerading as Judaism, very likely he would still be alive today.”
Clearly, this is an inconvenient truth. Well said!

Sheppsela ·
Any Jew who goes to Egypt is insane. Several hundreds of Israelis went there for Pesach and were blown to bits.Is not the point of Passover that we LEFT Egypt ? The Egyptians would not a rescue team come in.How strange.Are we not at peace. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES. Hopeless.

ChaimF ·
Moderate young secular Jews should be making aliyah (immigrating to Israel)l and learning Hebrew, in order to prevent assimilating into Christian America and in order to strengthen both morally and physically the State of Israel. Once he or she has mastered Hebrew (the main language of the Jewish People), Arabic is much easier to grasp.

tobykleingreenwald ·
I find all the posts from the so-called “right” and the so-called “left” weird. What does this have to do with any of your political opinions? This was a young man with ideals who was murdered by people who have a culture of death. Suicide bombers. Training children in pre-school and summer camps to become “shahids.” There are probably more Moslems being murdered by other Moslems than there are Jews and Christians being murdered by Moslems. (Witness “honor” killings of women. Witness Syria, and not getting into the hair-splitting about which branch of Islam the murderers belong to.) He thought he could bring a ray of light. I’m sure he did.

Joshua Schwartz·
Please, let us not disrespect this poor kid’s memory.
boruch dayyan emes

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