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more about non-violent media

My short review:  Are you familiar with Barthes’ “Degree Zero of Writing,” Lévinas’s philosophy of caress* or Ozu’s elliptical cinema? For the viewer of this astounding film these came to mind, but all that is required is the openness and patience that subtlety demands.
Mono No Aware, the Japanese concept often translated as “the awe of things,” seems to breathe throughout this film. If there is any non-violent form of filmmaking, this is it. The filmmaker, like a tightrope walker, works hard to avoid the temptation and easy entrapment of creating a meaning out of what he sees; people (and cats) are cared for by the camera, and his subjects never become objects. —> A+
*”La caresse consiste à ne se saisir de rien, à solliciter ce qui s’échappe sans cesse de sa forme vers un avenir/Caress consists in getting hold of nothing and inviting what endlessly escapes through its form towards a future.”

About finding ways out of the trap of “documentary cinema.”

The film’s English website + ?? – the Japanese site.
Kazuhiro Soda

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