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nullThe anthology of writings (including mine) by the late, Dr. Stephen Feinstein.

From the book:
Since the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and recognition of the Holocaust as a watershed event of the twentieth century, if not in Western Civilization itself, the capacity of art to represent this event adequately has been questioned. Contributors provide case studies that include a broad spectrum of artists from North America, Europe and Israel, and examine some of the dominant themes of their work.
Contents include:
* “Picturing Death: Better This than Silence,” Robert Poor
* “Probing the Limits of the Politics of Representation,” Jeremy Varon
* “After Auschwitz: Art and the Holocaust Six Decades Later,” Monica Bohm-Duchen
* “Jewish Artists in New York: The 1940s,” Matthew Baigell
* “From the Sublime to the Abject: Art and the Holocaust Six Decades Later,” Andrew Weinstein
* “R.B. Kitaj’s ‘Good Bad’ Diasporism and the Body in American Jewish Postmodern Art,” Sander Gilman
* “Bak’s Variations on a Theme by Bak,” Lawrence Langer
* “Toward a Post-Holocaust Theology in Art: The Search for the Absent and Present God,” Stephen Feinstein
* “How to Remember,” Nancy Weston
* “Disaster Art: A Plea Against the Peripheral Stuff,” Pier Marton
* “Conversations with Rzeszow: An Artist’s Journey,” Joyce Lyon
* “Haunting the Empty Place,” Ziva Amishai-Maisels

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