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The world’s lungs – Les poumons du monde.

The “evacuation” of the Kayapó-tribe.

From chief RAONI’s petition in 2000:
10 years ago, I came to explain my concern about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. I told you about the fires, the burning sun and the great winds that would blow if the man continues to destroy the forest.
You supported me and you gave me the means to demarcate our lands. It’s done: it is a huge area full of animals, fruits and flowers. This is the most beautiful forest.
First of all, to all those who have given money or assistance, I mean, on behalf of my Kayapo people … thank you … nambikwa … meikumbre.
I’m back now, because my concern returned. I learned that you too are worried now. The winds came and destroyed your forest. You knew the fear that we know.
I tell you, if man continues to destroy the earth, these winds will return with even more force … not once … but many times … sooner or later. These winds will destroy us all.
We all breathe one only air, we all drink one only water, we all live on one only earth. We must all protect it.
Home invasions began again. Woodcutters and gold diggers do not respect the reserve. We do not have the means to protect this vast forest which we are guardians for all of you.
I need your support. And I ask you before it’s too late.
Thank you.

Brasil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru…

Sarayaku filmmaker Eriberto Gualinga received the award on behalf of his community. Photo Credit: Zoë Tryon

One of the many struggles; with the Brazilian government pushing forward, Belo Monte is set to become the third largest dam in the world:

The Amazon Rainforest
Located in South America, the Amazon Basin is 7,3 million square km wide. The Amazon Rainforest is about 6 million square km, and its majority is contained within Brazil (60% of the forest), Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, 9 countries in total. Also known as Amazonia, the Amazon Rainforest is located in the area along the equator where the climate is hot and humid, some ideal conditions for a dense evergreen rainforest. This rainforest is one of Earth main source of oxygen.The Amazon river has the highest discharge (from 70,000 to 280,000m3/sec during flood season). From the Andes Apurimac where it starts all the way to the Atlantic it is 7025 km long and up to 10km wide. It can be navigated up to Manaus.
The Amazon river and its tributaries (rio Negro, Japura, Purus, Madeira, Tapajos, Xingu, Araguaia, Tocantins…) water the Amazonia from the Guianas plateau North, to the Andes West and the Brazilian plateau South.
In the last 10 years, the Amazon Rainforest lost 500,000 square km (about the size of France), which became pasture for cattle, or farmland for Soybean cultivation. The Brazilian Amazonia annual deforestation rate is the largest globally.

Les cinéastes Robert Hossein, Jean-Pierre Dutilleux et le Chef Raoni:

© Cristina Mittermeier/National Geographics – A young Kayapo girl takes an afternoon bath in the Xingu River.


Sting & Chief Raoni

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