by Pier Marton | Jun 28, 2014 | Art, Doc, Film, Poet, STL
The Cinema and its Magicians… J’aime les films qui me font rêver mais je n’aime pas qu’on rêve à ma place – I love films that make me dream but I don’t like it when one dreams for me. La peur est à la base de tout – Fear is...
by Pier Marton | May 26, 2014 | Action, Antisemitism, Death, Human Rights, Middle-East, Music, Politics
I am afraid this may be the start of an unfortunate series called “Things are bad in… ” [UPDATE a year after the first demonstrations: A 64-year-old woman, who fell into a coma after inhaling tear gas during another crackdown on protesters in the...
by Pier Marton | May 20, 2014 | Cancer, Death, Health, Sci/Nat, Women
[Against aspirin’s gastrointestinal bleeding & burning take refrigerated acidophilus] From the NYTimes: A Cancer Treatment in Your Medicine Cabinet? By Drs. MICHELLE HOLMES and WENDY CHEN May 19, 2014 We believe that it might be possible to treat breast...
by Pier Marton | May 20, 2014 | Action, Asia, Death, Doc, Eco, Film, Genocide, Highlights, Human Rights, Now, Peace, Politics, Racism, Spectacle, Time, Wars
2014 Oscar Nominated and BAFTA Best Documentary Winner What must be seen will be seen. (for free for Bahasa Indonesia speakers – film as change!) This video was posted with the full approval of the copyright holders of The Act of Killing. & the...
by Pier Marton | May 17, 2014 | Free, iOS, Now, Peace, Software, World
While Quest Visual’s Word Lens is being purchased by Google, that app is available for free (instead of the $4.99 per language In-App purchase) for Google Glass, Android and iPhone. Make sure you download all of the languages you may be interested in at some...