If I don't live, I die! Si je ne vis pas, je meurs! ¡Si no vivo, me muero!
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Elks and Photography

Oct. 23, 2013 – Cataloochee Valley in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In English: My first thoughts were “wow, he’s getting pretty damn close here.” But I’ve been up close before without incident. I hoped being still and passive would see him pass on. When...
SLIFF BUZZ ’13 – Some Recommendations

SLIFF BUZZ ’13 – Some Recommendations

Amongst 350 films at the St. Louis International Film Festival, there are of course a great many more… below is  a short selection of some seen and some unseen (guesses) films I would recommend. I will post others (after the festival during which I was...

SLIFF BUZZ ’13: D-Day!

350+ films, 54 countries, 39 free screenings/events, 100+ filmmakers 75 narrative features, 63 documentary features, 192 shorts 201 screenings/programs The Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival starts today… for the next 10 days. Get your tickets at the...
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