by Pier Marton | Apr 18, 2013 | Care, Death, Highlights, Human Rights, Now, Politics, Popular, Wars, Women
[UPDATED WITH A PETITION] “Thoughts and prayers” or real action to stop gun violence? Locate and Contact Those Senators Who Voted Against Gun Control! From Mayors Against Illegal Guns “A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip” by Gabby Giffords in the...
by Pier Marton | Apr 17, 2013 | Antisemitism, Doc, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Middle-East, Politics, Review, Wars
The Oscar Nominated Film’s Website & The Trailer: My review – [Attention: this film does not fit any category nor any short blurb.] “seeing the state as a value is the essence of the fascist conception” & “the sacred cow of...
by Pier Marton | Mar 21, 2013 | Complexity, Human Rights, Jewish, Media, Middle-East, Politics, Wars
Not to exonerate the Israelis, the current right-wing government carries the responsibility of exacerbating fear and hate – yes racism does exist in Israel (on both sides) – but everything is much more complex and nuanced than the way Democracy Now!...
by Pier Marton | Mar 19, 2013 | Art, Ego, France, Highlights, Humor, Media, Music, Poet, Politics, Video
Jean-Christophe Averty, Satrape du Collège de Pataphysique (Pataphysics)* – et premier artiste-vidéo – et Alfred Jarry, créateur de la science des solutions imaginaires, se rencontrent électroniquement parlant en 1965. *dont les cahiers ont été composés...
by Pier Marton | Mar 12, 2013 | Antisemitism, Care, Death, Health, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Magyar, Politics, Shoah, STL, Wars, Women
For Justice: Anybody who ever came in contact with Fred knows how willing he was to unmask the dark side of the medical field* and to fight for the underdog, In parallel to his jumping in the water more than once to save capsized strangers, he had gone out of his way...