Thinking is indeed dangerous, and lonely
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Isaac Deutscher & The Non-Jewish Jew/Le Juif Non-Juif/Der Nichtjüdischer Jude/El non-judío Judío/A Nem-Zsidó Zsidó

Isaac Deutscher & The Non-Jewish Jew/Le Juif Non-Juif/Der Nichtjüdischer Jude/El non-judío Judío/A Nem-Zsidó Zsidó

Who is a Jew? (1954) If it is not race, what then makes a Jew? Religion? I am an atheist. Jewish nationalism? I am an internationalist. In neither sense am I, therefore, a Jew. I am, however, a Jew by force of my unconditional solidarity with the persecuted and...

Truth & Reconciliation in Israel

From The Guardian: The Israeli and the Palestinian: ‘We have discovered this joint pain’   It was only later, after the intense shock had subsided and a heavy pain was starting to bed in, that Robi Damelin was told what her first words were on hearing...

The NRA Plays Tough!

Today’s NRA News Conference – an Onion prediction from May 2012 – NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything ‘Yeah, Something Like 1,000 Dead Kids,’ Reports Spokesperson News •...
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