by Pier Marton | Aug 26, 2012 | Death, Health, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Media, Politics, Spectacle, Wars
You may also want to check out his latest book, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, with a public presentation. On CBC radio, the web page where for an hour writer Chris Hedges argues that North American culture is dying because it has become transfixed by illusions...
by Pier Marton | Aug 26, 2012 | Afri, Asia, France, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Juif, Podcasts(F), Racism, Wars
Historien, spécialiste du « fait colonial », des immigrations des « Suds » en France, de l’imaginaire colonial et de l’histoire du corps. Chercheur au Laboratoire Communication et Politique du CNRS, ancien chercheur associé au GDR 2322 du CNRS Anthropologie des...
by Pier Marton | Aug 20, 2012 | Art, Humor, Ideas, Idées, iOS, Poet, Sci/Nat
In honor of a gritty slow efficiency, a roundtrip to the future and back/En souvenir de la machine à écrire, un aller-retour vers la lenteur et le monde analogue. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Aug 20, 2012 | Care, Food, Future Tech, Health, Sci/Nat, Time, Travel
A Battle Plan for Jet Lag by Stephanie Rosenbloom in the NYTimes 1. Understand that the direction you are traveling makes a difference. 2. Schedule when to expose yourself to light and when to avoid it. 3. Survive the first night by eating right and preparing the...
by Pier Marton | Aug 19, 2012 | Antisemitism, History, Magyar, Middle-East, Racism
Hungary far-right leader discovers Jewish roots by Pablo Gorondi BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — As a rising star in Hungary’s far-right Jobbik Party, Csanád Szegedi was notorious for his incendiary comments on Jews: He accused them of “buying up” the...