by Pier Marton | Nov 2, 2011 | Afri, Death, Eco, Health, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Humor, Media, Politics, Spectacle, Women EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Nov 1, 2011 | Antisemitism, Books, Death, Doc, Ego, France, History, Human Rights, Idées, Juif, Politics, Shoah, Time, Wars
Numéro Hors-Série (Sept-Oct 2011) Ils y mentionnent le journal de Louis Arrive. La revue devient un précieux compagnon du très précieux livre Collaboration and Resistance. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Oct 30, 2011 | Afri, Books, Care, Death, Doc, France, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Idées, Jewish, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Wars EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Oct 30, 2011 | Afri, Death, Doc, France, Human Rights, Idées, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Wars
Le colonialisme et ses ravages (qui continue de Fort Bragg, au Chili, Brésil, etc…) Extrait du film “État d’Armes” (visible ici) EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Oct 28, 2011 | Books, Care, Eco, Ideas, Media, Politics, Sci/Nat, Spectacle, Teach
The media is caught in that “false balance” – whether about climate change or politics… and sanity is out of reach. Fortunately some like Shawn Lawrence Otto point out the aberrations. His book: For more information around those...