Petition to Sign by Friday/À Signer Maintenant.
To US and EU decision-makers:
We call on you to immediately ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides until and unless new independent scientific studies prove they are safe. The catastrophic demise of bee colonies could put our whole food chain in danger. If you act urgently with precaution now, we could save bees from extinction.
- Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with brains
- Bee briefing
- $15 Billion Bee Murder Mystery Deepens
- “Nicotine Bees” Population Restored With Neonicotinoids Ban
- EPA memo reveals concern that pesticide causes bee deaths
- Beekeepers want government to pull pesticide
- Bees in freefall as study shows sharp US decline
- Pesticide industry involvement in EU risk assessment puts survival of bees at stake
- Vanishing of Bees provide details on the EPA leaked documents: