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Home » Besa in Albania

From Wikipedia: Besa is an Albanian cultural precept, usually translated as “faith”, that means “to keep the promise” and “word of honor”. The word’s origin can be traced to the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini, a collection of Albanian traditional customs and cultural practices. Besa is an important part of personal and familial standing and is often used as an example of “Albanianism”. Someone who breaks his besa may even be banished from his community. The roots of this code sprouted from the Code of Leke Dukagjini, an Albanian cultural code.

Besa-related sayings include:

* Besa e shqiptarit nuk shitet pazarit (besa of an Albanian cannot be sold or bought in a bazaar)

* Shqiptaret vdesin dhe besen nuk e shkelin (Albanians would die rather than break besa)

* Besa e shqiptarit si purteka e arit, etj (the Albanians’ besa is worth more than gold)

Before World War II only about 200 Albanians were Jewish. At the end of the war about 2000 Jews were living in Albania.


An exhibit in Vancouver.

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