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Home » BP & The Fugs/Tuli Kupferberg

“Tuli Kupfenberg died today? July 12, 200. His last activity on Youtube was liking my video. ”
Larkworthy Antfarm adapts The Fugs’ song “Wide Wide River” with no apologies to BP. Leave the apologies to Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX). Warning: song contains profanity. And bad singing. BP deserves no less.
This song goes out to the fighters! The Women of Code Pink who keep getting tossed out of the BP hearings for making noise. To the fishermens’ wives like Kindra Arnesen who keep giving BP execs a piece of their minds. To the environmentalists and Greenpeace. To the animal rights activists. To the clean-up workers and those who are manning the booms. To the mom and pop stores that have been put out of business. To the media who aren’t being allowed to report the news. To the scientists and engineers who are trying to stop the oil. To the people of the Gulf states that BP calls the “Little People.” To the children whose beaches are closed. To all the beachcombers and vacationers who have ever called this place home. This song is for you.

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