by Pier Marton | Nov 7, 2009 | Antisemitism, Shoah
The “subtleties” of how you can stand for… (from Haaretz) The Poisonous Well of anti-Jewish Rhetoric Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Niemoeller and Karl Barth – all fierce opponents of Nazism – could not divorce themselves from a poisonous...
by Pier Marton | Nov 6, 2009 | Antisemitism, Film, Shoah
Inglorious Basterds in Israel. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Oct 7, 2009 | Antisemitism, Jewish, Middle-East, Politics, Wars
Jew as stuck in the past, Israeli as considering new realities, in reference to Netanyahu at UN, from Yaron Ezrahi in Haaretz EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Oct 6, 2009 | Antisemitism, Doc, Ideas, Jewish, Shoah, Wars
Featured indirectly in Sobibor, Oct. 14, 1943, 4 p.m. by Lanzmann, a documentary. With Yehuda Lerner now living in Israel where he has become a symbol for Jewish resistance and the will to survive. There is also the book, Sobibor : The Forgotten Revolt – A...
by Pier Marton | Oct 6, 2009 | Antisemitism, Jewish, Middle-East, Shoah, Wars
A survivor, in the true sense, of the Warsaw Ghetto, and much fighting. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Sep 23, 2009 | Antisemitism, Middle-East, Politics, Video, Wars
… to go beyond the status quo (had posted this on Facebook when Obama was elected): EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...