by Pier Marton | Mar 8, 2013 | Art, Death, France, Human Rights, Media, Middle-East, Now, Politics, Sounds, Spectacle, Theater, Travel, Video, Wars
Via Le Monde – une propagande qui ne marche pas pour Al-Assad: L’agence ANNA, basée dans le territoire disputé d’Abkhazie (province de Géorgie dont l’indépendance n’est pas reconnue internationalement) diffuse régulièrement sur Internet...
by Pier Marton | Mar 6, 2013 | Art, Death, Spectacle
Veau d’or, pied d’or, apparement l’or dure… Golden Calf, Golden Foot, Golden Anything… Images Reuters via Le Monde (A video of the making of a replica in pure gold of the Argentine soccer player, Lionel Messi’s left foot.) LeMonde:...
by Pier Marton | Feb 24, 2013 | Death, Film, Review, Spectacle
After winning tons of awards like Cannes’ Golden Palms, the Cesars, the Oscars… one wonders whether everyone is blind to the fact that Haneke seems to focus on the obscene (what should be ob-scena, off stage?). He seems to delight in subjecting his...
by Pier Marton | Feb 24, 2013 | Books, Care, Death, Doc, France, Human Rights, Mystery, NON, Teach
Dans son cœur et dans la chair… /In his heart, in his flesh… Cité par lui: On mesure la richesse de l’homme à ce dont ‘il peut se passer. Quoted by him: One measures the richness of a human being through what he/she can live without. Comme si...
by Pier Marton | Jan 31, 2013 | Care, Death, Film, Health, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Media, Middle-East, Politics, Wars
Clips Below. Shlomi Eldar on Al-Monitor Israeli news broadcasters don’t cry Shlomi Eldar reflects on the live television report that profoundly changed the way he sees the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By Ayelett Shani Published in Haaretz – 19.01.13 As a...
by Pier Marton | Jan 12, 2013 | Death, Film, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, KeyFilm, Media, Poet, Politics, Sci/Nat
¡La Memoria Existe! Memory Exists! Yo creo que la memoria tiene fuerza de gravedad. Siempre nos atrae. Los que tienen memoria son capaces de vivir en el frágil tiempo presente. Los que no la tienen, no viven en ninguna parte. P.G. Nostalgia de la Luz I am convinced...