by Pier Marton | Dec 21, 2012 | Death, Humor, Politics
Today’s NRA News Conference – an Onion prediction from May 2012 – NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything ‘Yeah, Something Like 1,000 Dead Kids,’ Reports Spokesperson News •...
by Pier Marton | Oct 26, 2012 | Afri, Death, Music, Native
The Guinean singer, composer, and alto saxophonist: Jazz was born with you, but I brought it home, in Africa, because that is where its source sprang forth from/Le jazz est né chez vous, mais, moi je l’ai ramené chez moi, en Afrique, car c’est de là...
by Pier Marton | Oct 23, 2012 | Death, Film, Middle-East, Politics, Sound, Spectacle, Wars
After Osama bin Laden’s death comes a big bang revenge spectacle in our theaters and our homes, one more glorious solidification of enmity. Evil incarnate, bring it on? Maybe it is high time to revisit Sam Keen’s Faces of the Enemy (the book and the film)?...
by Pier Marton | Oct 4, 2012 | Art, Asia, Dance, Death, France, Health, Mystery, Podcasts(F), Poet, Time
L’auteur de Vide et plein : le langage pictural chinois, Le Dit de Tianyi, Quand reviennent les âmes errantes, Cinq méditations sur la beauté, L’éternité n’est pas de trop, parle avec Laure Adler sur Hors-Champs. ...
by Pier Marton | Sep 27, 2012 | Afri, Books, Care, Death, France, Health, Hispanic, Human Rights, Humor, Jewish, Media, Politics
After last year’s “Go The Fuck To Sleep” by Adam Mansbach, narrated by Samuel L Jackson, now Jackson means business in his defense of Obama against Romney. “Sorry my friends but there’s no time to snore An out-of-touch millionaire has...
by Pier Marton | Sep 25, 2012 | Antisemitism, Death, France, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Juif, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Time, Wars
Tristan Bernard, romancier et auteur dramatique, avant de partir pour Drancy: « – De quoi avez-vous besoin M. Tristan Bernard ? » « – D’un cache-nez. » Tristan Bernard, the noted writer/journalist/lawyer upon his arrest to be sent to Drancy: «...