by Pier Marton | Feb 9, 2012 | Asia, Care, Death, Eco, Health, Humor, Ideas, Mystery, Native, Now, Time, Travel, Women
(was at) Webster University Film Series My review: Neo-realism from Italy? No, but overflowing with what is “real” for Tibetan exiles – across time and space. “I am not afraid of dying, I am afraid of living.” – Yeshi Silvano...
by Pier Marton | Feb 9, 2012 | Antisemitism, Books, Death, Ego, Film, France, Humor, Jewish, Juif, Politics, Review, Shoah, Spectacle, STL, Theater, Wars, Women
At The Tivoli Theater in St. Louis for one more week… My review: “Civilization is what makes you sick.” – Paul Gauguin Some people profess to teach the humanities, others purport to have become specialists in civility, teaching and publishing...
by Pier Marton | Feb 8, 2012 | Antisemitism, Care, Death, Ego, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Judaism, Magyar, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Time, Wars, Women
My friend Pini’s mother in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal: Greti was soon banned from school. Some nights, Nazis pounded on the family’s apartment door, forcing them outside, on hands and knees, with a bucket and brush… … Greti dashed across the...
by Pier Marton | Feb 2, 2012 | Art, Death, Objects, Poet, Politics, Spectacle
“Pay for Your Pleasure” (with the art of a murderer) From the Los Angeles Times: … But Fontana, who saw Kelley last week for dinner, said that Kelley’s art-world accomplishments had a price, as he had been actively struggling with what it means...
by Pier Marton | Feb 2, 2012 | Afri, Antisemitism, Art, Books, Cam, Death, Doc, Jewish, Magyar, Native, Photo, Politics, Quotes, Racism, Shoah, Wars, Women
New Yorker Magazine: Where There’s a Will – The rise of Leni Riefenstahl by Judith Thurman … Riefenstahl appeals to her friend and admirer Julius Streicher, the editor of Der Stürmer and the most fanatic anti-Semite in a crowded field (he was hanged for...
by Pier Marton | Jan 22, 2012 | Art, Books, Care, Dance, Death, Doc, France, Health, Humor, Ideas, Idées, Media, Music, Mystery, Now, Poet, Quotes, Sci/Nat, Site, Sound, Spectacle, Theater, Time, Women
Le Site Rire Médecin + Expo 20ème Anniversaire/20th Anniversary Exhibit à l’/at the Hotel de Ville de Paris 18 janvier – 18 février Tous les jours (sauf Dimanche)/Every day (except Sunday) 10h – 19h (7 p.m.) & entrée libre Caroline Simonds, la...