Out of Sight, Out of Mind
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PM’s Unbalancing Blog

PM’s Unbalancing Blog

To ride the unbalance between: 1. a kind, singular and porous identity that contains some of the scruples, humor, musicality and the beauty of a harsh and confusing, yet benign and rich reality – away from distractions. 2. the stupidity and blindness of...
BLIGHT: Blinded By Sight

BLIGHT: Blinded By Sight

Every age has its icons: photographers freeze that moment, cinematographers capture that movement. The traces of those fetishistic rituals are revered in museums, theaters and online.  Media has already transformed society; can visual artists, besides “doing it...
School of No-Media Intro

School of No-Media Intro

Like the Uncola… ELSEWHERE To bring up the words of Arthur Rimbaud, one of France’s most illustrious poets, “La vie est ailleurs/Life is elsewhere,” is not to imply that poetry is a solution – as Rimbaud’s life clearly proves. It is...
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