by Pier Marton | Dec 29, 2010 | Antisemitism, Death, Doc, Ego, Film, France, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Humor, Ideas, Idées, Jewish, Juif, KeyFilm, Politics, Racism, Review, Shoah, Time, Travel, Wars, Women
Did you read this article in the NYTimes about the Nazis’ “Safe Haven” in the U.S.? Then you may want to read/see this below. My short review: One of the greatest films on the Holocaust (and beyond). Helps one understand how one conjugates “To Lie...
by Pier Marton | Dec 29, 2010 | Afri, Antisemitism, Asia, Books, Care, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Jewish, Judaism, Media, Middle-East, Native, Quotes, Racism, Roma, Shoah, Time, Wars
– During the March on Washington – From Wikipedia: While serving as President of the American Jewish Congress, he represented the Jewish community as an organizer of the August 28, 1963 March on Washington. He came to the podium immediately following a...
by Pier Marton | Dec 16, 2010 | Afri, Art, Asia, Books, Care, Death, Ego, Film, France, Hispanic, History, Humor, Idées, Juif, Media, Music, Photo, Podcasts(F), Politics, Sci/Nat, Shoah, Sound, Spectacle, Theater, Women
L’émission Hors-Champs de Laure Adler sur France Culture. Parmi les invités récents figurent Arrabal, Ricard, Nadeau (100 ans plus tard!), Moustaki, Boltanski, Nyman, Messager, Viewiorka, Puiu, Sokourov et une multitude d’autres plus ou moins connus, mais...
by Pier Marton | Dec 6, 2010 | Afri, Asia, Hispanic, Human Rights, Middle-East, Politics
VS. WHAT IS PRESENTED More than half go to the military. The United States accounts for 47 percent of the world’s total military spending, EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Dec 4, 2010 | Afri, Care, Death, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Politics, Wars, Women
Bernie Sanders asking for accountability.! EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Dec 3, 2010 | Afri, Asia, Dance, Doc, Ego, France, Hispanic, History, Humor, Ideas, Jewish, Magyar, Middle-East, Music, Mystery, Native, Now, Sci/Nat, Spectacle, Time, Travel, Wars, Women
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