by Pier Marton | Jan 13, 2011 | Afri, Death, Doc, Film, Health, History, Human Rights, KeyFilm, Racism, Women
Long Night’s Journey into Day, the website (with excerpts) for this most important film and its distributor, California Newsreel. The BBC report. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Jan 12, 2011 | Art, Galleries, History, Ideas, Objects, Politics, Site, Spectacle, Time
In Los Angeles. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Jan 12, 2011 | Antisemitism, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Wars
From the founder of Esperanto, an ophthalmologist of great vision: “I am profoundly convinced that every nationalism offers humanity only the greatest unhappiness… It is true that the nationalism of oppressed peoples — as a natural self-defensive...
by Pier Marton | Jan 11, 2011 | Art, Film, History, Humor, Jewish, Politics, Shoah, Time
by Pauline Kael: “Siegfried Kracauer is the sort of man who can’t say ‘It’s a lovely day’ without first establishing that it is day, that the term “day” is meaningless without the dialectical concept of ‘night,’...
by Pier Marton | Jan 4, 2011 | Antisemitism, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Middle-East, Racism, Time
“In the corners of the living quarters of the Africans … you will find the filth, card games played for money, residents getting drunk, and prostitution. … The Africans bring this way of life with them when they migrate, and it is no wonder that...
by Pier Marton | Jan 4, 2011 | Antisemitism, Books, History, Jewish, Magyar, Middle-East, Racism, Roma, Shoah
Antisemitic Stereotypes in Romanian and Other Central-East European Cultures by Andrei Oisteanu With a foreword by Moshe Idel. “This book is erudite, richly documented and intelligently written. Though both a comprehensive and explicit analysis of so many themes...