by Pier Marton | Feb 1, 2011 | Death, Doc, Eco, Future Tech, Health, Human Rights, Ideas, KeyFilm, Media, Now, Objects, Software, Spectacle, Time, Travel, Women
WHERE R – LOL – YEAH – WHERE U AT Thanks to A.A. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Jan 31, 2011 | Art, Asia, Death, Highlights, Music, Mystery, Now
?? ?? ?? Watazumi Doso Roshi 1910 – December 14, 1992 Tamuke (Shakuhachi Requiem Offering) “It’s fine that you are all deep into music. But there’s something deeper and if you would go deeper, if you go to the source of where the music is being...
by Pier Marton | Jan 30, 2011 | Care, Eco, Health, Ideas, Mystery, Now, Software
Something happens! How meditation changes the brain (in the NYTimes). The results suggest that participation in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is associated with changes in gray matter concentration in brain regions involved in learning and memory...
by Pier Marton | Jan 27, 2011 | Afri, Care, Death, Doc, Health, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Middle-East, Now, Politics, Quotes, Racism, Roma, Sci/Nat, Shoah, Time, Wars
Armenia, Argentina, Bosnia, Croatia, Rwanda… … There have been various attempts in recent years to humanize doctors by changing the medical curriculum, by exposing students and young doctors to great non-scientific novels, poetry and plays, by making...
by Pier Marton | Jan 19, 2011 | Eco, Now, Sci/Nat
Petition to Sign by Friday/À Signer Maintenant. To US and EU decision-makers: We call on you to immediately ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides until and unless new independent scientific studies prove they are safe. The catastrophic demise of bee colonies could...
by Pier Marton | Dec 20, 2010 | Asia, Care, Dance, Death, Eco, Health, Human Rights, Ideas, Idées, Now, Politics, Travel
From 5 star hotel chef to feeding the hungry off the street, now in his 9th year. The Akshaya Trust Website with its mission: Committed care for helpless, forsaken, mentally ill, old, sick, roadside destitute living and dying in the streets of Madurai – by...