by Pier Marton | Jun 28, 2014 | Art, Doc, Film, Poet, STL
The Cinema and its Magicians… J’aime les films qui me font rêver mais je n’aime pas qu’on rêve à ma place – I love films that make me dream but I don’t like it when one dreams for me. La peur est à la base de tout – Fear is...
by Pier Marton | Jan 28, 2014 | Death, Human Rights, Jewish, Music, Peace, Poet, Politics, Women, World, Youth
Inscribed on his banjo: “This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender.” “It is better to have struggled and lost, than never to have struggled at all.” Pete Seeger – The New York Times’ Obituary – The author of...
by Pier Marton | Nov 29, 2013 | Art, Ego, France, Highlights, Humor, Mystery, Peace, Photo, Poet, Sci/Nat, Theater, Time, World
Cioran les avait, les insomnies des longues nuits où Lévinas implorait que “son garde” le laisse tranquille… Cioran had them, the long nights of insomnia when Lévinas would beg “his guard” to let him sleep… ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS...
by Pier Marton | Nov 2, 2013 | Afri, Art, Asia, Care, Death, Education, Food, Galleries, Hispanic, Human Rights, Humor, Ideas, Media, Mystery, NON, Objects, Peace, Poet, Politics, Racism, Sights, Spectacle, Teach, Text, Time, US, World, Youth
At the edges of the art world and its fetishisation, and banking on it. BETTER OUT THAN IN October 2013 An Artists Residency on the Streets of New York All pictures painted inside, in the studio, will never be as good as those done outside. Paul Cézanne Excerpts from...
by Pier Marton | Oct 31, 2013 | Antisemitism, Care, Death, Doc, Health, History, Humor, Jewish, Middle-East, Music, Mystery, Peace, Poet, Sci/Nat, Time, Women
The World’s Oldest Pianist/Optimist – and Holocaust Survivor – has just died on Sunday Feb. 23 2014 – (she was trailing by 8 months, Dr. Alex Imich, who at 111 is the second oldest second-oldest verified living person in the world) A very...
by Pier Marton | Sep 23, 2013 | Care, Death, Doc, Health, Hispanic, Humor, Jewish, Mystery, Now, Poet, Sci/Nat, Time, Women
FIRST COUSIN REMOVED Alan Berliner: In Loving Memory of Edwin Honig 1919-2011 with a sort of trailer below, edited by Alan Berliner – The Alzheimer’s Association Website From the BBC: Currently 101 million people require care, but a report from...