by Pier Marton | Apr 9, 2012 | Art, Books, Death, France, Health, History, Human Rights, Humor, Ideas, Idées, Jewish, Judaism, Juif, Middle-East, Podcasts(F), Poet, Politics, Quotes, Sci/Nat, Shoah, Time, Wars
” Extraordinary Fellow” Churchill College, Cambridge Beaucoup plus terre à terre en Français? – More grounded in French? Les différences entre l’Anglais et le Français, les differentes parties du cerveau d’après Koestler, le XXeme siècle...
by Pier Marton | Apr 4, 2012 | Afri, Antisemitism, Asia, Books, Care, Health, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Native, Politics, Racism, Shoah, STL, Wars, Women
Harry Brod What would motivate those from dominant social groups to join as allies in struggles for justice with those from correspondingly subordinated groups? How can identities of masculinity, whiteness and heterosexuality become the foundations to undo the...
by Pier Marton | Mar 31, 2012 | Antisemitism, Film, France, Hispanic, Human Rights, Jewish, Juif, Middle-East, Music, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Wars
Praised by Oum Kalthoum and saved by Si Kaddour Benghabrit who headed the Paris Mosque during WWII. The war story is the subject of Free Men/Les Hommes Libres, a film by Ismaël Ferroukhi. with a review of that film by Ofer Aderet |March 2012 (in Haaretz): The Great...
by Pier Marton | Mar 31, 2012 | Antisemitism, Books, Death, Doc, Health, Human Rights, Jewish, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Time, Women
“Rena’s Promise – A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz” is one of the most historically accurate and important books ever written on the women’s camp in Auschwitz I” – Irena Strzelecka, Director, Auschwitz Museum of Women,...
by Pier Marton | Mar 29, 2012 | Afri, Asia, Care, Future Tech, Health, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Humor, iOS, iPhone, Jewish, Media, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Software, Spectacle, Wars, Women
From the Obama YouTube Channel which includes “The Road We’ve Traveled” + Indecision Forever an iOS App from Comedy Central EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Mar 12, 2012 | Art, Asia, Death, Doc, Film, Health, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Idées, Media, Poet, Politics, Quotes, Shoah, Sounds, Time, Wars, Women
Sokurov’s Website- Sokurov/English Extraits d’une interview sur Hors-Champs: (English translation may appear some day…) Il n’y a rien dans un paysage, même pas de beauté. Elle existe dans nous… La nature vit sa vie, un homme vit sa vie....