by Pier Marton | May 4, 2013 | Afri, Art, Asia, Highlights, Hispanic, Human Rights, Humor, Ideas, Jewish, Music, Politics, Popular, Quotes, Sound, Travel
The multi-talented world hero, musician & ethnomusicologist. If you are not living on the edge, you’re taking too much room. B.B. He used to quote Sun Ra: The planet is asleep, and it’s the fault of musicians who are not true to themselves. [Ed.: I...
by Pier Marton | Apr 18, 2013 | Care, Death, Highlights, Human Rights, Now, Politics, Popular, Wars, Women
[UPDATED WITH A PETITION] “Thoughts and prayers” or real action to stop gun violence? Locate and Contact Those Senators Who Voted Against Gun Control! From Mayors Against Illegal Guns “A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip” by Gabby Giffords in the...
by Pier Marton | Dec 18, 2012 | Humor, Politics, Popular, Quotes
POLITICS MEANS I AM NOT TELLING YOU MY INTENTIONS. I am showing you an action that is causing a reaction from you while I am playing another chess piece over here. And together I will triangulate some secretive way where I WILL ACHIEVE POWER OVER YOU. I am not trying...
by Pier Marton | Nov 14, 2012 | Future Tech, Human Rights, Popular, Spectacle
We don’t need to be psychics or the N.S.A. to snoop, we all leave behind cookies, breadcrumbs, public records, etc. Only off the grid, in the woods, is “privacy” a concept worth discussing. Many of the websites below offer an opt out/delete me...
by Pier Marton | Oct 7, 2012 | Afri, Care, Film, France, Human Rights, Humor, Music, Mystery, Native, Popular
I am human and I find injustice and stupidity revolting. A big injustice, and a big stupidity, is that half of the humans try to put down the other half instead of being HAPPY that they are there. – Michel Ocelot Je suis humain et l’injustice et la bêtise...
by Pier Marton | Jan 30, 2012 | Art, Books, Care, Exp, Film, France, Health, Highlights, Ideas, Idées, Music, Popular, Quotes, Teach, Theater, Women
Je ne crois qu’aux acteurs qui sont timides, ceux qui sont les plus timides sont les plus doués… Les gens qui n’ont pas d’obstacles à surmonter dans n’importe quel art, qu’ils soient sculpteurs de pierre, qu’il soient...