by Pier Marton | May 5, 2011 | Antisemitism, Books, Death, Doc, Film, History, Human Rights, Idées, Jewish, Juif, Middle-East, Politics, Racism, Shoah
Il cite de nouveau Flaubert dans Madame Bovary ‘L’oblique génuflexion des dévots pressés’. Un plus loin: “les Américains qui sont idiots et qui ont leur raison pour l’être” – touché! EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | May 5, 2011 | Antisemitism, Care, Death, Health, Human Rights, Ideas, Jewish, Judaism, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism
Before you know what kindness really is – You must lose things… Naomi Shehab Nye (Palestinian/US poet) Moti Fogel, pictured while grieving for his murdered brother, Udi (Emil Salman) Moti Fogel to Speak With Bereaved Palestinian on Yom HaZikaron “Moti...
by Pier Marton | May 2, 2011 | Antisemitism, Books, Death, Ego, Film, Highlights, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Jewish, Judaism, Juif, KeyFilm, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Time, Wars
A Way To Begin Following that article, I have added a few of my recommendations. It is very good to have Améry, along with Shoah by Lanzmann, and Primo Levi. They know that one CANNOT understand anything about the Shoah, the prerequisite for any “inquiry.”...
by Pier Marton | May 2, 2011 | Afri, Antisemitism, Asia, Care, Dance, Death, France, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Judaism, Magyar, Media, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Roma, Shoah, Time, Wars, Women
Yom HaShoah Haaretz Editorial =================== Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Day, which is being marked today, is above all a day of remembrance. Today is the day on which the Holocaust is to be recalled, and on which the memory of those who perished and the...
by Pier Marton | Apr 18, 2011 | Antisemitism, Care, Death, Human Rights, Jewish, Middle-East, Politics, Racism
A family slaughtered in Israel – doesn’t the BBC care? Lame excuses followed the lack of coverage by the BBC… later, the killers showed no remorse. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Apr 18, 2011 | Antisemitism, Death, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Magyar, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Women
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