by Pier Marton | Sep 8, 2010 | Antisemitism, Death, Hispanic, Jewish, Middle-East, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Wars
Fidel to Ahmadinejad: ‘Stop Slandering the Jews’, ‘The Jews have lived an existence that is much harder than ours. There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust.’...
by Pier Marton | Aug 31, 2010 | Antisemitism, Ego, Jewish, Judaism, Juif, Magyar, Racism, Shoah, Time
A minority survives and leaves some traces, somehow. Hungarian Jewish links. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Aug 28, 2010 | Antisemitism, Film, France, Humor, Music, Racism, Shoah
Around the film “Gainsbourg” in The Jewish Chronicle “Gainsbourg, a life lived in revenge for the yellow star” Serge Gainsbourg (Eric Elmosnino) plays for Brigitte Bardot (Laetitia Casta) in the new biopic of the maverick French songwriter....
by Pier Marton | Aug 21, 2010 | Antisemitism, Care, Death, Film, Health, Jewish, Racism, Review, Shoah, STL, Time, Women
Will play at the upcoming St. Louis film festival! My review: PTSD or not, the past is the present as it eventually catches up with us. When people survive “hell”, it is key to save them from their past before it is too late. A Jewish family of survivors...
by Pier Marton | Aug 19, 2010 | Art, Death, Film, France, Jewish, Juif, Shoah
Documentaire sur France Culture “Ce premier documentaire d’une série de cinq, consacrée au réalisateur Roman Polanski remonte le temps aux origines, à la recherche des influences polonaises dans son œuvre : nous le retrouvons dans le ghetto de Cracovie et...
by Pier Marton | Aug 18, 2010 | Antisemitism, Books, History, Human Rights, Humor, Jewish, Judaism, Middle-East, Politics, Shoah
“I am both writing in and about the tradition and spirit of Jewish cosmopolitanism: caught somewhere between Marx’s ‘ruthless criticism of everything existing’; pil-pul; zahor!; bearing critical witness; social responsibility; and perhaps a certain davka”....