If I don't live, I die! Si je ne vis pas, je meurs! ¡Si no vivo, me muero!
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Updated (Feb. 2013) Violence Has a Price. As Arne Naess would have said: EVERYTHING COUNTS – LET US USE EVERYTHING WE HAVE TO STOP THIS. One look, and your life was absolutely changed. Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook...

Holy Motors

My short review: ‘Beauty will be convulsive or it will not be at all.’ André Breton. CAUTION: This film, a delirious RIFF around Hollywood’s subconscious, will not increase your “joie de vivre!” Like with Buñuel and Dali’s unforgettable...

It’s Not Obama’s Fault

Panic time! D-Day minus one! After seeing the Romney ad below, exploiting some unemployed individuals, I too, Pier Marton, had to tell my story in that style of “understanding poverty” – but NOT blaming Obama. There is another one in my head about...
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