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Home » David Servan-Schreiber: 1961-2011

David Servan-Schreiber

His last text/book: “We Can Tell Each Other Goodbye Several Times.”
The first question raised by my state of health: “does my relapse damages the credibility of the anticancer method?“, I answer categorically not.
Firstly because I am not a scientific experiment to me alone, I am one clinical case among others. Scientific experiments deal data of thousands, even tens of thousands of clinical cases. The considerations, research, the findings, the evidence I’ve presented in Anticancer are not based on my personal experience, but on the scientific literature.

“What matters most is neither one particular technique nor one particular application. There is no secret, no magic password that can cure cancer…
What seems essential to the mobilization of the body’s forces is to renew contact every day – with sincerity, benevolence, and calm- with the life forces that vibrate within our bodies. And to bow to it.

… There is one thing I’m certain of. I will never regret living as I live today, because the health and the greater awareness that this personal transformation has brought into my life give it a much greater value.”
2 Videos (about sugar + more/autour du sucre + plus)
An obituary in the NYTimes et dans le Nouvel Obs par son amie, Ursula Gauthier.

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