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Home » Dr. Izzeldin Abeulaish: I Shall Not Hate

Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish’s book

A Guardian article about his latest ordeal.

His website: Daughters For Life
Izzeldin Abeulaish, is a Palestinian doctor and infertility expert who was born and raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. He received a scholarship to study medicine in Cairo, Egypt, and then received a diploma from the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of London. He completed a residency in the same discipline at Soroka hospital in Israel, followed by a subspecialty in fetal medicine in Italy and Belgium. He then undertook a masters in public health at Harvard University. Before his three daughters were killed in January 2009 during the Israeli incursion into Gaza, Dr Abuelaish worked as a researcher at the Gerner Institute at the Sheba hospital in Tel Aviv. He now lives with his family in Toronto, where he is an associate professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

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