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Home » Holy Motors

My short review:
‘Beauty will be convulsive or it will not be at all.’ André Breton.
CAUTION: This film, a delirious RIFF around Hollywood’s subconscious, will not increase your “joie de vivre!”
Like with Buñuel and Dali’s unforgettable collaboration, “the eye” (here, Monsieur Oscar’s) is the starting point, the engine for a whole industry manufacturing role after role for the enjoyment of those watching in theaters, mesmerized and paralyzed….
Who said films should be a pleasurable experience? Maybe it is time to wiggle in and out of our comfort zone?
By Carax, the same filmmaker who created the visionary masterpiece, “Lovers on the Bridge.” With his favorite actor, Denis Lavant, and the legendary Edith Scob of “Eyes Without a Face” by Franju. —> A

The film’s English Website

Interview of Leos Carax by Amy Taubin:

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