Syria is not enough.
Yesterday in the New York Times I read about the corruption in China (evicting farmers to dump them in big cities with lawyers beaten up when trying to defend them).
Today in Le Monde, I read how Agent Orange – produced by Monsanto and Dow Chemicals – is still killing, 40 years later. The defoliant was dumped over Vietnam for 10 years by the US.
So many people are still trying to survive its effects: in Vietnam were 3 million exposed, and in the US, 16,000 veterans – cf. the Monsanto cover-up.

Vietnamese babies, deformed and stillborn after prenatal dioxin exposure from Agent Orange

Major T? ??c Phang was exposed to dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange

Au domicile de M. Nguyen Van Dung et de sa femme Luu Thi Thu. Leur dernier enfant, Twan Tu, six ans, est atteint d’une maladie rare : une ostéogénèse imparfaite, plus connue sous le nom de “maladie des os de verre”, qui se caractérise par une extrême fragilisation osseuse. Twan Tu ne peut, lui non plus, se tenir debout. Son espérance de vie, selon les médecins, n’excèdent pas quelques mois. – Photo: Nicolas Cornet pour “Le Monde”
Quick translation: their six year old has a rare disease, the “glass bone syndrome,” unable like his sibling to stand up, with a life expectancy of a few months.
And these are mainstream news sources…
While this takes place, some find refuge at Burning Man. They think it is enough to “believe”!