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Like Men

‘”Like Men’ is Pier Marton’s heartfelt exposé of male vulnerability. It is a stunning effort, a real labor of love.” — Linda Frye Burnham, The L.A. Weekly.
LIKE MEN (are we and/or do we)

– The Invisible Fabric of Violence – Beyond the Spectacle  –
(thanks to)
Conrad Dahlin, Jed Diamond, Bob Hansman, Charles Kreiner, Geoff Morgan, Craig Norberg, Rick Ritter, Don Roberts, John Stoltenberg,

An excerpt:

Much of Martin Buber’s work revolves around the principle that all life is encounter. Another Jewish philosopher, Emmanuel Lévinas, refines this interaction by stating that the meeting with any face implies a distinct responsibility.
In the field of documentary, many filmmakers aim to avoid the so-called “boring talking-heads” of interviews by resorting to the use of “cutaways.
For me the topic in question here warranted a different approach; I wanted neither to distract nor to entertain.
By refusing the technique of cutaways, and insisting on and exploring faces, I was hoping for a memorable face-to-face engagement.

Please let me know if you would like to have access to the entire piece.


Three reviews:
‘Like Men’ is an unusual and unusually powerful combination of aesthetic and political sensibilities. The images and voices of men discussing men’s violence remain with you long after the last light has faded from the screen. I have seen the film’s illuminating intensity provoke illuminating and intense discussions.
Harry Brod, Writer and Editor, Theorizing Masculinities, Making of Masculinities & A Mensch Among Men: Explorations in Jewish Masculinities.

Like Men’ is Pier Marton’s heartfelt exposé of male vulnerability. It is a stunning effort, a real labor of love.
Linda Frye Burnham, The L.A. Weekly

‘Like Men’ is a refreshing relief from the conventional documentary approach which satisfies its purpose by generating ‘information’, thereby effectively dismissing the issue. The fact finding compulsion is critiqued by one of the speakers (anti-pornography writer, John Stoltenberg), who suggests that ‘reasons for violent behavior begin to look like excuses.’ Like Men is rather a mirror held up before men, asking if they recognize themselves. Their participation in the process of awareness is encouraged by the sensitivity of the work.
Gary Reynolds, Vinyl Magazine
From the publicity:
Based on Marton’s experiences at the National Conference on Men and Masculinity—which aimed to articulate male self-expression—(are we and/or do we) LIKE MEN features frank head-on interviews with men about culturally-conditioned male aggression, violence, and other damaging behaviors. Presented as a series of thoughtful and affective confessionals, Marton’s declared “tape to Wage War Against War… the War which men wage against women, children, and themselves,” is meant to inspire thoughtful introspection about American gender roles.
Played in NYC at the NEW MUSEUM (curated by Marcia Tucker for her show “The Other Man: Alternative Representations of Masculinity alongside the B&W naked self-portraits of former Art Forum editor, John Coplans) . More recently it was in NYC through RHIZOME & DIRTY LOOKS at THE ABRONS ART CENTER/HENRY STREET SETTLEMENT.

on Jan. 8, 2019 NBC announces

For the first time in its 127-year history, the American Psychological Association has issued guidelines to help psychologists specifically address the issues of men and boys — and the 36-page document features a warning.

“Traditional masculinity ideology has been shown to limit males’ psychological development, constrain their behavior, result in gender role strain and gender role conflict and negatively influence mental health and physical health,” the report warns.

The newGuidelines for the Psychological Practice with Boys and Men” defines “masculinity ideology” as “a particular constellation of standards that have held sway over large segments of the population, including: anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence.” The report also links this ideology to homophobia, bullying and sexual harassment.

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