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Home » on my END (sur ma faim) [updated: to be continued/against stupidity]

[I can’t go on, I will go on. – Samuel Beckett
After more than two years of existence (1740 posts and 37,500 views later),  the PM_uo????_???d blog had stood for what I had found worthy of notice, a sort of time-capsule, more efficient than any tombstone.
I had thought of stopping this, but I will continue]

Those who know me know why I have had to focus on “the stupid topic of stupidity,”
– Stupidity has a knack of getting its way. Albert Camus
there is so much else in the world but…

  • In politics stupidity is not a handicap. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Az emberi butaság végtelen/Human stupidity is infinite/La bêtise humaine est infinie. Hungarian Saying
  • La bêtise humaine est la seule chose qui donne une idée de l’infini/Human stupidity is the only thing that gives an idea of the infinite. Ernest Renan
  • Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. Albert Einstein

I had thought of stopping this…

I had hoped to dislodge some of it (cf. Stephen Crane’s poem about pursuing the horizon)… but (criminal) stupidity exists in every corner –  and will continue to do so – from the religious to the secular, from the streets to universities, and within every continent, nation, ethnicity, individual, in women and in men, including myself.

I had thought of stopping this…

Our only hope is kindness and to remain humane towards each other – and not just humans.
Let the so-called animals, the mountains, the trees, the plants, the sky, and everyone, teach us.

I do believe that this time here online IS NOT time passed elsewhere or more directly that:

Life is elsewhere/La vie est ailleurs… Arthur Rimbaud
Technology… the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it. Max Frisch

I remain available for speaking/writing/teaching and all sorts of creative activities to challenge “what is.”

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