Charles Chaplin Leaving America, c.1952 by Richard Avedon
When asked by (now, the missed) Milos Stehlik of Facets what were my ten all time favorites, I cheated and gave him these eleven titles, in no particular order:
- La Jetée by Chris Marker
- Ménilmontant by Dmitry Kirsanov
- Shoah by Claude Lanzmann
- The Saragossa Manuscript by Wojciech Has
- Pickpocket by Robert Bresson
- Playtime by Jacques Tati
- L’Amour à Mort by Alain Resnais
- Hotel Terminus by Marcel Ophuls
- The “historical” films of Roberto Rossellini (you could start with Rise to Power of Louis XIV)
- Warning Shadows by Arthur Robison
- The Gleaners and I by Agnès Varda (don’t miss the sequel on the DVD)
Around that time I was asked by They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They? to come up with a list of 50 films.
So, in no particular order, here is a list:
- Night and Fog (Resnais)
- 7 Up series (Apted)
- A Man Escaped (Bresson)
- Night Mail (Wright/Watt)
- Lovers on the Bridge (Carax)
- The Battle of Algiers (Pontecorvo)
- Greed (von Stroheim)
- 20 The Great Dictator (Chaplin)
- Army of Shadows (Melville)
- L’Atalante (Vigo)
- The Hour of the Furnaces (Solanas/Getino)
- An Andalusian Dog (Buñuel/Dali)
- The Battle of Chile (Gúzman)
- In the Mood for Love (Wong)
- The Fiancés/i Fidanzati (Olmi)
- Earth (Dovzhenko)
- Distant/Uzak (Ceylan)
- 30 The Last Chrisanthemum (Mizoguchi)
- Ozu – a film by him
- L’Avventura (Antonioni)
- Potemkin (Eisenstein)
- Mutum (Kogut)
- A Film Unfinished (Hersonski)
- The Man with the Movie Camera (Vertov)
- Last Year at Marienbad (Resnais)
- Flamenco/Tango/Fados Trilogy (Saura)
- Rio Zona Norte or Vidas Secas some other film (dos Santos)
- 40 Sunless (Marker)
- Open City (Rossellini)
- Repulsion (Polanski)
- Stalker (Tarkovsky)
- Nosferatu (Murnau)
- Rashomon/Throne of Blood (Kurosawa)
- Blood of a Poet (Cocteau)
- Joan of Arc (Dreyer)
- North by Northwest (Hitchcock)
- The Powers of Ten (Eames)
- 50 Red Psalm or some other film (Jancsó)
(you will find films you cannot find elsewhere, some amazing surprises and treasures)
Competing very close (some could go back among the list of fifty) – again, no particular order: Chile, Obstinate Memory; Nostalgia for the Light (Guzmán); L’Ange (Bokanowski); Les Cartes Postales (Cahen); From Language to Language (Aviv); Voyages (Finkiel); Latcho Drom (Gatlif); Faithless (Bergman); Os Fuzis (Guerra); Vidas Secas (dos Santos); Some Like It Hot (Wilder); Port of Shadows (Carné); Winged Migration (Cluzaud – Debats – Perrin); Children of Paradise (Carné); Portrait of Jason (Clarke); 79 Springs (Álvarez); Talk to Her (Almadóvar); Night of the Hunter (Laughton); Black Orpheus (Camus); Niagara (Hathaway); The Eclipse (Antonioni); The Society of the Spectacle (Debord); L’Enfant (Dardenne Bros); Into Great Silence (Gröning); Saló (Pasolini); The Double Life of Veronique (Kieslowski); Hiroshima mon Amour (Resnais); tonight’s headlines (Doron Solomons); The Act of Killing (Oppenheimer); Before the Rain (Manchevski); Jeanne Dielman (Akerman); AR (Kubelka); Butoh (Eiko and Koma); Fateless (Koltai); Black Is Black Ain’t… (Riggs); Der Lauf der Dinge (Fieschli and Weiss); Vukovar Poste Restante (Draskovic); Jacob’s Ladder (Lyne); The Violin (Vargas); The Story of Qui Jiu (Zhang); F for Fake (Welles); Wavelength (Snow); Letter from Siberia (Marker); Peace (Soda); Ran/Ikiru (Kurozawa); After Life (Koreeda); Goodbye Dragon Inn (Tsai), Family Romance, LLC (Herzog), Les Modèles de Pickpocket (Mangolte), Jacob’s Ladder (Lyne), City of God (Meirelles), a great many Cinema Novo films like Black God/White Devil, Os Fuzis… Italian filmmakers like Antonioni, de Sica, Olmi… Japanese filmmakers like Ozu, Mizoguchi, Teshigahara, Koreeda, and others like Bruno Dumont (France), Jia Zhangke & Zhang Yang (China), Tsai Ming-liang (Taiwan), Roy Andersson (Sweden)…