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Home » Stephen Colbert & His Double (the Well-Intentioned Poorly Informed High Status Idiot)

POLITICS MEANS I AM NOT TELLING YOU MY INTENTIONS. I am showing you an action that is causing a reaction from you while I am playing another chess piece over here. And together I will triangulate some secretive way where I WILL ACHIEVE POWER OVER YOU. I am not trying to get power over anybody. (reminds you of some workplaces?)

Regarding A Man of All Seasons: Is there any part of you that is not your appetites? Is there any part of you that is not your fears and not your desires? Is there any part of you that does not want or reject?  Is there any part of you that is just you and from which you cannot retreat… There was no criticism… There were so many people who were afraid of being critical… Can you bring yourself to swim against the tide of all your fellows? Can you keep yourself with your own opinions and your own ethics  and regardless of the tides of the times? I am falsely constructing the satire as opposed to deconstructing other people’s behavior. One hour interview with Stephen Colbert: http://youtu.be/-HpBHWUPa8Q This is the particular White House Correspondent Association dinner that is referred to in the above interview.

One goodbye before “becoming Mr. David Letterman”
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