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Talk/Presentation/Community Feedback


In support and admiration of an esteemed colleague: Pier Marton has been a great ally and advocate of the public offerings of Cinema St. Louis. Over the years he has participated directly with the organization in many ways. At the St. Louis International Film Festival he has introduced films and educated audiences on the works and aesthetics of a variety of directors. He has served on a number of award juries over the years for SLIFF and has proved an invaluable participant in those discussions. Pier’s scholarship and passion for the art of the cinema is truly remarkable and his profound contributions to the St. Louis film community are all but immeasurable. He is a true asset to the city and students who are lucky enough to share his cinematic vision.
Chris Clark – Artistic Director, Cinema St. Louis/St. Louis International Film Festival

I have known Pier for years as a trusted film critic and have also served with him on juries for the St. Louis International Film Festival.
Pier’s astute insights and thoughtful critiques are informed by theoretical concepts applied intelligently and appropriately. Our many discussions also make clear that he brings remarkable historical perspective to a wide-range of films. Academia needs and benefits from the quality contributions that Pier alone can offer.

Diane Carson, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Past President of the University Film and Video Association
Film Critic – KDHX (88.1 FM)

It is with great enthusiasm that I write the following: a highly valued friend and colleague of my predecessor, the late historian Dr. Judith Doneson, Pier Marton has been an integral part of our institution for more than ten years. Since accepting my position at the Holocaust Museum in St. Louis in 2000, I have continued to rely on his many skills in a variety of ways.
Because of his expertise in film, Pier has been a participant in the museum’s monthly film program; every year of my tenure, Pier has introduced and created discussions around our monthly film screening. His choices are invariably intriguing and his comments continuously illuminating and, even if at times provocative, always accessible to the audience.
He is truly one of our community’s favorite speakers, as indicated by the attendance numbers for the programs he introduces.
Pier has also served on the museum’s permanent exhibition committee, a group that we greatly depend on for their knowledge of the history of the Holocaust and their competence regarding aesthetic decisions.
Pier’s has also lent his wide-ranging expertise to our annual city-wide Yom HaShoah (Holocaust commemoration) program, where he has served as a speaker and created a large number of graphic panels describing his parents and other resistance fighters’ struggles.
Pier has presented Holocaust related themes at programs nationally and internationally and he has built and sustained a reputation for excellence. Because of his record and experience, he was recently invited by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to participate in a Midwest consortium of Holocaust educators.
Pier is a person of integrity and honesty; I always feel I can depend on his constructive and honest opinions and reactions. He has been, and continues to be, a distinctive and exceptional resource for the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center.

Dan Reich – Director of Education and Curator, Holocaust Museum and Learning Center

Pier Marton is a thought-provoking scholar. Trained as an artist in various media, he approaches film analysis with the know-how and intimacy of a creator, aware that the relationship between a work of art and reality is a complex one. With him scholarship is never far from testimony.
Jean-Louis Pautrot, Professor of French and International Studies, Saint Louis University

Pier is a local treasure, in addition to having a stellar national and even international reputation as an artist in the area of visual communication. He brings to the filmmaking community in St. Louis a rare depth and insight. But beyond that Pier brings an even more unique gift to the table. Pier’s life experience includes a connection to history that most scholars only dream of through a lifetime of study.
The tremendous courage of his parents during the Second World War is an inspiration which resonates with everything Pier does as an artist, as a scholar, and as a teacher. Perhaps this in part is what gives Pier his tremendous empathy and dedication as a teacher. He is really beloved by his students in a way that few teachers are.
As an artist Pier’s work brilliantly explores the human condition in a way that only someone who has had a certain life experience can. He is not replaceable by another faculty member.

Rita M. Csapo-Sweet – Ed.D. Associate Professor Department of Theater, Dance, and Media Studies
Fellow at the Center for International Studies
University of Missouri St. Louis

As the longest-running film critic in St. Louis, dating to 1972, I’d like to enter a plea for Pier Marton to remain an active part of the St. Louis critical community. All of us who comment on the arts in St. Louis come from particular, often unique, backgrounds. Pier Marton’s is most particular and most suited to bringing a world view to our little group. As a Jew who grew up in Paris after World War II, he was exposed to films that we Americans may never have seen, and certainly not from his perspective.
Any conversation I have with with Mr. Marton is illuminating, and I can see how this attitude, carried into the classroom, would make him an exceptional teacher. His writing and teaching experience benefits his students, of course, but also those of us who have been able to spend time with him and to engage in discussions, or just casual conversations.
I think Washington University would make a mistake, and even retreat from its own impressive educational standards, by turning its back on Mr. Marton. His students, his colleagues on the faculty, his friends among film critics and film buffs, even the university, will be lessened by his absence.

The late Joe Pollack – Critic, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1972-95; critic, KMOX, KSDK-TV, KMOV-TV, KWMU, various periods 1973-2008; critic and correspondent, Variety, 1975-95, critic, www.stlouiseats.typepad.com 2005-2012

Like Brookings Hall (the first building to go up on campus), somehow I thought he had been there, and would continue to be there, forever. That our university would allow a teacher and scholar with his dedication and knowledge to simply get away is more than I can fathom — and I’ve been on this faculty for forty years!
In my view, not since Washington University lost architect/ philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller and playwright Tennessee Williams by allowing them to leave did the University make such a similar colossal blunder by letting Pier Marton “get away.”

The late Frederick Sweet – Ph.D. Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Washington University School of Medicine, Fulbright Scholar to Bosnia-Herzegovina 2010-2011

Professor Pier Marton has generously given of his time and energy in examining the documentaries in the Community Cinema Series. His insights have been beneficial to the screenings, and he is a welcome contributor to the institution.
Alex DetrickMissouri History Museum

As President of the Washington University Society of Professors Emeriti, I wish to thank you for your excellent presentation on Avant-Garde Cinema and Video Art at our latest meeting.
I consider your presentation to be one of the very finest that we have seen in the past three years and many members have told me that they feel the same way.
Washington University has been fortunate to have you on our staff for the past thirteen years.
Neil N. Bernstein – Professor Emeritus of Law

Wonderful, even profound… decades of artistic revelations in a very short time. I was quite impressed. The examples, and explanations were clear and thought provoking.
I’m sure you offered the opportunity for life changing openness for those who’d listen.
Again, BRAVO!

Rich O’Donnell, 43 years with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, most of them as principal percussionist, is a prolific composer, innovator and inventor of percussion and electronic instruments. A teacher, and a writer, he is currently director of the Electronic Music Studio at Washington University and co-founded in 09 HEARding Cats. In the distant past, he has appeared on stage with: Igor Stravinsky, Iannis Xenakis, Aaron Copland, Elvis Presley, Yo Yo Ma, Bob Hope, Dean Martin, John Adams, Imrat Kahn, Chet Baker, Luciano Berio, and Jocy d’Olivera. He is also creating interactive computer/ synthesizer software to accompany live percussion performances.

Marton is a dynamic presenter, bringing his topic to life with an eclectic and engaging mix of theory, history and personal experience. He connects to his audience by incorporating a wide range of visual culture, from avant-garde French comics to contemporary American satire. His ability to draw diverse media together in an approachable way makes his lectures not only incredibly thought-provoking, but also a joy to observe.
Jake Wagman, St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter

The Gephardt Institute for Public Service considers Professor Marton a wonderful colleague and collaborator. We know that his talents and experience are valued by students and campus partners alike.
It is clear to us that Professor Marton is much more than a teacher. He is in fact a caring mentor who connects with students and challenges them to do their best. He also embraces community-based teaching and learning, helping his students to apply their skills to make a difference in real life social issues and provide community service.
Marton has rare expertise and provides valuable practical training. His courses are in high demand by undergraduate students. His compassionate personality is an important asset for our students and community.
Robin HattoriProgram Director & Grace Jung – AmeriCorps*VISTA volunteer, Gephardt Institute for Public Service

An amazing individual with tremendous life-insight empowering a creative, nurturing spirit…..he is truly ALIVE! Anyone who shares even a moment with him can recognize his gift to the world, a wonderful gift… Amazing! Beautiful! Intelligent! Valued! Magic!!!!!
Ryan Santens – Master Candidate in Social Work & Research Assistant at the Center for Mental Health Services Research
George Warren Brown School of Social Work

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