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Pier Marton & The Shoah
June 2021 Rosenberg Film (and US Premiere) at the St. Louis Holocaust Museum – all free
June 27, 2021 at 1 p.m. (ONLY THE DISCUSSION)
The Black Book (Vie et Destin du Livre Noir)
Directed by Guillaume Ribot, France, 2020.
92 minutes. In French with English Subtitles
The Black Book, drafted during World War II, gathers numerous unique historical testimonies, in an effort to document Nazi abuses against Jews in the USSR. Initially supported by the regime, the Black Book was eventually banned and most of its authors executed on Stalin’s order. Told through the voices of its most famous instigators, soviet intellectuals Vasily Grossman, Ilya Ehrenburg and Solomon Mikhoels, this award-winning documentary provides a detailed account of the tragic destiny of this cursed book and puts the Holocaust and Stalinism in a new light.
This film discussion will mark the United States premiere for this film.
Discussion facilitated by Pier Marton, presently the “Unlearning Specialist” at the School of No Media. Besides Yad Vashem, he has lectured on his artwork at the Museum of Modern Art, the Carnegie Museum and the Walker Art Center. He has taught at several major U.S. universities. Marton’s father, photographer Ervin Marton, was in the French Résistance.
Guillaume Ribot was the photographer for four years for The Holocaust by Bullets project
(cf. exhibit & Yahad-In-Unum below links)
Mémorial de la Shoah exhibit on Ukraine & its documents.
An article in French on Father Patrick Desbois
(“Un génocide se fait toujours avec les voisins…“)
Some films, directly related:
- Einsatzgruppen – The Nazi Death Squads by Michael Prazan (available on Netflix & Prime Video)
- The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews (National Jewish Book Award Winner) & In Broad Daylight: The Secret Procedures behind the Holocaust by Bullets by Father Patrick Desbois
- Forgiveness by Vladimir Jankélévitch (in French: L’Imprescriptible: Pardonner? & Dans l’honneur et la dignité)
- The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry by Ilya Ehrenburg, Vasily Grossman, et al., also published as “The Unknown Black Book” or The Black Book of Soviet Jewry” or “The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry”
- The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed by Wendy Lower
Anatomy of a Genocide, The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz by Omer Bartov, Simon & Schuster 2019 – Winner of the Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research
- Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman
1 to 500 victims
500 to 10 000 victims
more than 10 000 victims
Books directly used in the film
- « LE LIVRE NOIR», Textes et témoignages réunis par Ilya Ehrenbourg et Vassili Grossman, ACTES SUD/ SOLIN
- Ilya Ehrenbourg: « Les Gens, les années, la vie » – Parangon, 2008 – « La Russie en guerre » – Gallimard, 1968
- Vassili Grossman: « Carnets de guerre » – Le Livre de Poche, 2008 – « Œuvres » – Editions Robert Laffont, 2006 – « La paix soit avec vous » – L’âge d’homme, 2007
- « Mon père Salomon Mikhoëls » de Natalia Vovsi-Milkhoels, Les éditions Noir sur Blanc, 1990
- « War, holocaust and stalinism » de Shimon Redlich, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995
- « L’holocauste inachevé» d’Aleksandr Bortchagovski, J.-C. Lattès, 1995
- « Le destin de Vassili Grossman » de Sémion Lipkine, L’Âge d’Homme, 1984
Note: The English translation here and in the film omits the fact that it is Soviet Jewish intellectuals that form the research group behind The Black Book.
This site has a Google Translate option – feel free to use it.
- Vie et destin du livre noir : Une autre histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale by
- Deux entretiens du CRIF avec Guillaume Ribot:
– Le Livre Noir
– Le Cahier de Susi - Un entretien dans Le Monde avec Guillaume Ribot, le réalisateur
Guillaume Ribot, les yeux sur la Shoah
- Pourquoi il faut voir le docu “Vie et destin du Livre noir” de Guillaume Ribot par Jacky Goldberg in Les Inrocks

MIkhoels & Grossman & Ehrenburg portraits
De vrais historiens (Tal Bruttmann & Michaël Prazan).
A “historian” by force of circumstances (Pier Marton discusses the film at the St. Louis Holocaust Museum).
“I would like to salute my friend and fellow filmmaker, Myriam Abramowicz and to dedicate this discussion to two historians that left their mark, Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum and his Oyneg Shabes archive (you can read about him in Samuel Kassow’s Who Will Write Our History?) and the very present and active Father Patrick Desbois and his Yahad-In- Unum Foundation (more about his books below).”
More reference books/authors
- L’Enfer de Treblinka par Vassili Grossman
- Shot by Shot: the Holocaust in German-Occupied Soviet Territory (an ebook) & Stalin’s Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee by Joshua Rubenstein, Yale University Press + on The Black Book in Commentary Magazine
- Auschwitz, l’impossible regard by Fabrice Midal, Seuil
- Raoul Hilberg, Saul Friedlander, Michael Berenbaum, Omer Bartov, Jan Grabowski, Jan Gross, Christopher Browning…
- Fire Alarm, Reading Walter Benjamin’s ‘On the Concept of History‘ by Michael Löwy
- The Texture of Memory, Holocaust Memorials and Meaning by James E. Young, Yale U. Press, National Jewish Book Award Winner.
- Auschwitz, the Allies and Censorship of the Holocaust by Michael Fleming, Cambridge U. Press 2014
- First Films of the Holocaust Soviet Cinema and the Genocide of the Jews, 1938–1946 by Jeremy Hicks, University of Pittsburgh Press
– The Wikipedia article on the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC/Yevreysky antifashistsky komitet)
– This is also a recent relevant article in Haaretz
– Earlier this month, in a first vote less than a week after the release of Wendy Lower’s new book on the Holocaust, “The Ravine,” Russia’s parliament advanced a bill that would fine anyone 3 million rubles ($41,000) for “deliberately disseminating false information on the activities of the Soviet Union during World War II.”
– the co-screenwriter, Antoine Germa on transmission of the Shoah through cinéma (in French)
– Un entretien avec Guillaume Ribot, le réalisateur, sur Télérama.
From FACING HISTORY, scholars Peter Hayes, Deborah Dwork, Wendy Lower, Joshua Rubenstein, Michael Berenbaum, and Jonathan Petropoulos describe the steps that Nazi Germany took in deciding to murder the Jews of Europe.
Wendy Lower discussing her book “The Ravine” with Joshua Rubenstein

the poet Itzik Feffer (left), Albert Einstein and the actor Solomon Mikhoels in the United States in 1943

1941 The Destruction Of The Jewish Population (from The Holocaust by Bullets)

1942 The Destruction Of The Jewish Population (from The Holocaust by Bullets)

1943 The Destruction Of The Jewish Population (from The Holocaust by Bullets)
Of what you cannot speak of, you must speak of? — PM
Twelve years ago, I gave a couple of presentations at SLU and Fordham U. entitled The Holocaust in 1000 Years; I have updated what I addressed here.
I may refer to this diagram but rest assured, the discussion will revolve around
what you bring to it!
We all imagine having some kind of handle on reality.
Mindmaps are part ot that illusion.
d i s A S T E R & J U S T B E C A U S E
War of Annihilation: Targeting the Jews of Europe
Scholars Peter Hayes, Deborah Dwork, Wendy Lower, Joshua Rubenstein, Michael Berenbaum, and Jonathan Petropoulos describe the steps that Nazi Germany took in deciding to murder the Jews of Europe.
Designing Destruction: The Holocaust in the German-Occupied Former Soviet Territory
Joshua Rubenstein, associate at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies