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Home » The Other Son – Le Fils de l’Autre

Lorraine Lévy: I wanted to make a film about openings and hope/Je voulais faire un film d’ouverture, un film d’espoir.
My review:
I too could say “provocative and moving” as other critics have said, but I would rather not.
Sometimes life takes a shape that does not conform to the reality we have been taught. In that sense certain events may destroy all preconceptions, even those that are as vital (and presumably solid) as the sense of self and identity.
This film through its intelligent script sends its characters through such a whirlwind: we are in Israel, in Palestine, but where are we really?
I prefer not to reveal more and would advise you NOT to view the trailer below (nor look at the website and reviews). There is something to be said for not-knowing and discovering on one’s own.
Among the many worthwhile actors, the grandson of le Grand Rabbin Sitruk, and many others you will recognize from other notable films. —> A

At the Plaza Frontenac
These are the times: (1:50 4:20) 6:40 9:10
The film’s website


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