Film Festival Tours: Montréal, NY, Paris, Le Touquet, Agadir, Rabat...
Dans HuffPost par Ruth Grosrichard
au milieu de la terre/in the middle of the earth
Jewish Tinghir Juif
Home » Tinghir-Jérusalem: Échos du Mellah/Echoes from the Mellah
by Pier Marton | Apr 16, 2012 | Death, Doc, France, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Idées, Jewish, Judaism, Juif, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Shoah, Time, Travel
Film Festival Tours: Montréal, NY, Paris, Le Touquet, Agadir, Rabat...
Dans HuffPost par Ruth Grosrichard
au milieu de la terre/in the middle of the earth
Jewish Tinghir Juif
Edmond Amran El Maleh,
homme digne, grand écrivain, tous ces romans racontent ce Maroc pluriel et cette brisure du départ massif des juifs du Maroc. Son livre “Mille Ans et Un Jour” témoigne de cette histoire douloureuse.
To ride the unbalance* between:
1. excellence and a kind, singular and porous identity that contains some of the scruples, humor, humility, musicality & the beauty of a harsh and confusing, yet benign and rich reality – away from distractions.
2. the stupidity and blindness of complacency, violence, injustice, pretense, egos, short-term… wishful… and group “thinking,” and empty talk – in all of their surprising embodiments. And the false sense of fullness all of this provides.
An appeal for a world NOT so caught up in anthropo/ego/euro/ethno/oculo/esthetico -CENTRISM.
1. Beware of those who claim to be strong – they are often dangerous.
2. Unmask the hoax of “centrality” – ask an “EX-centric” for assistance?
3. Perceive the arrogance of normalcy: everybody, in one way or another, is handicapped… which brings us back to 1.
*Not unrelated to “There is beauty and there are the humiliated. Whatever difficulties the enterprise may present, I should like never to be unfaithful either to the second or the first.” — Albert Camus