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Home » Harry Brod: ‘Working From and Against Privilege’ (at Webster U.)

Harry Brod

What would motivate those from dominant social groups to join as allies in struggles for justice with those from correspondingly subordinated groups? How can identities of masculinity, whiteness and heterosexuality become the foundations to undo the structures of social privilege they embody?

Harry Brod, author, scholar, and professor of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Northern Iowa, will address these issues when he visits Webster University April 5.

Date/Time: Thursday, April 5, 6 p.m.
Location: University Center Sunnen Lounge
Admission: Free and open to the public

Brod is widely recognized as a founding figure of the field of men’s studies, also known as masculinity studies, which applies theories and concepts derived from women’s studies to examine men and masculinities, and as a spokesperson for the pro-feminist men’s movement.

Harry Brod’s Website
Harry’s mother survived WWII as a nurse in the Jewish Hospital in Berlin.
She is featured in the book “Refuge in Hell: How Berlin’s Jewish Hospital Outlasted the Nazis” by Daniel Silver.
His father was involved in the resistance in the forests of Poland.

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