by Pier Marton | Dec 18, 2011 | Afri, Art, Asia, Care, Death, Doc, Eco, Food, France, Health, Media, Middle-East, Now, Objects, Photo, Sci/Nat, Spectacle, Travel
On the Prix Pictet Site. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Dec 18, 2011 | Afri, Care, Death, Hispanic, Music, Travel, Women Two versions of Angola With Salif Keita And her site in English, Français, Português. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Dec 13, 2011 | Care, Death, Eco, History, Human Rights, Mystery, Politics
From Forbes Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How it Hurts America “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen, and philosophers and divines.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (Self-Reliance) Since I report on...
by Pier Marton | Dec 13, 2011 | Books, Care, Death, History, Jewish, Juif, Middle-East, Mystery, Poet, Politics, Quotes, Racism, Roma, Shoah, Time, Wars
From the opening of the Preface: The three lectures presented here took shape within me over the past years. They do not present an organized body of thought, but rather reflections and feelings grounded in the tribulations of a Holocaust childhood, wanderings and...
by Pier Marton | Dec 7, 2011 | Cam, Care, Dance, Future Tech, Health, Human Rights, Ideas, Idées, Media, Sci/Nat, Software, Sound, Spectacle, Tech
“Eye-mouse,” fully interactive eyes… One more battle won against certain handicaps/accidents! Senseye & Tobii (who also makes Sono Flex, a fantastic symbols to speech software). and 6 Ways Eye Tracking Is Changing the Web (from ReadWriteWeb)...
by Pier Marton | Dec 7, 2011 | Care, Dance, Ego, Jewish, Juif, Magyar, Music, Poet, Shoah, Women Erd?, erd?, erd?, Marosszéki kerek erd?, Madár lakik benne, madár lakik… tizenkettö. Cukrot adnék annak a madárnak, dalolja ki nevét a babámnak. Csárdás kisangyalom, érted fáj a szívem nagyon. —————- La...