by Pier Marton | Aug 6, 2010 | Books, Ideas, Jewish, Mystery
“Mysticism, when transposed from the warm twilight of myth and fiction to the cold searchlight of fact and reason, has usually little left to recommend itself. Its language, unless resounding within its own magic or mystic circle, will often appear poor and even...
by Pier Marton | Aug 1, 2010 | Asia, Care, Death, Ego, France, Idées, Mystery, Shoah
Chaque épisode peut être écouté en différé en podcast pendant, en principe, *une semaine après l’émission*. Mais essayez sur le site principal pour voir… Voilà la liste des invités: Samedi 31 juillet Matthieu RICARD, moine Bouddhiste, interprète français...
by Pier Marton | Jul 31, 2010 | Asia, Books, Care, France, Humor, Ideas, Idées, Mystery, Photo, Site, TED, Travel
A rare vitality… a biologist, a monk, a photographer, the founder of thirty humanitarian projects, a forum on altruism, “the happiest person in the world” – author with his father, Jean-François Revel, of “The Monk and the...
by Pier Marton | Jul 29, 2010 | Humor, Media, Mystery, Racism, Sci/Nat
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by Pier Marton | Jul 27, 2010 | Books, Care, Ego, Exp, Health, Ideas, Mystery, Women
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by Pier Marton | Jul 27, 2010 | Asia, Care, Eco, Ego, Exp, Health, Highlights, Ideas, KeyText, Mystery, Now, Politics
If you are having a difficulty, what you must do is face it. Go into your hut. Shut the doors and windows. Wrap yourself in all the robes you own. Sit there and don’t move and face it. Only then can you overcome it. Thai Buddhist Master, Achaan Chah 1918-1992 Si...