by Pier Marton | Dec 9, 2010 | Afri, Asia, Care, Doc, Eco, Health, Human Rights, Media, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Popular, Roma, Site, Spectacle, Wars, Women
Alternative Streaming News: The Real News Democracy Now EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Nov 16, 2010 | Care, Film, Human Rights, Politics, Review, Roma, STL
Another short review. IF I WANT TO WHISTLE, I WHISTLE The past has its weight: twenty four years of dictatorship cannot but leave their mark on a people and their descendants. While Romanian filmmakers have been garnering international awards, the films have often...
by Pier Marton | Nov 13, 2010 | Magyar, Music, Roma Check out the Asphalt Tango videos, besides their CDs EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Oct 31, 2010 | Music, Roma
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by Pier Marton | Oct 14, 2010 | Afri, Antisemitism, Asia, Books, Death, Doc, France, Hispanic, History, Human Rights, Ideas, Idées, Jewish, Magyar, Native, Politics, Racism, Roma, Shoah, Spectacle, Theater, Time, Wars, Women
«Writing history… aims at calming the dead who still haunt the present, and at offering them scriptural tombs.» Michel de Certeau, The Writing of History, New York and Chichester, Columbia University Press, 1988. The Evolution of the Perception of Violence Our...
by Pier Marton | Oct 9, 2010 | Afri, Asia, Doc, Eco, Film, Hispanic, Human Rights, Ideas, Jewish, Middle-East, Native, Politics, Racism, Roma, Time, Travel, Wars, Women
The Cinereach Grants Program supports feature-length nonfiction and fiction films that possess an independent spirit, depict underrepresented perspectives, and resonate across international boundaries. We favor story over message, character over agenda, complexity...