by Pier Marton | Nov 13, 2010 | Antisemitism, France, Juif, Music, Shoah
Sa chanson chantée ici par le fameux Ivo Livi, époux de Simone Kaminker. Nathan Korb’s mother died in Auschwitz and Nathan Korb joined the Résistance. Discographie * À Paris – 1949 * Bal, petit bal – 1949 * Bois de Boulogne (Patins à roulettes)...
by Pier Marton | Nov 13, 2010 | Antisemitism, France, Jewish, Juif, Music, Poet, Shoah, Women
Deux biographies: Une sur le site de François Faurant consacré à Barbara. L’autre sur le site de RFI. Spent the war in hiding. Misses her estranged father who dies shortly before her arrival in… Nantes (English...
by Pier Marton | Nov 13, 2010 | Antisemitism, France, Music, Shoah
His father is arrested and sent to Auschwitz for being Jewish. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Nov 10, 2010 | Antisemitism, Death, Ego, France, History, Human Rights, Jewish, Juif, Magyar, Politics, Racism, Shoah, STL, Time, Women
Why go backwards in time? (Photos by Kristi Foster) EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Nov 9, 2010 | Art, Doc, History, Humor, Mystery, Sci/Nat, Shoah, Time, Wars
Opens up to the vertigo and sadness behind the field of archeology, and the many undervalued present universes. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...
by Pier Marton | Nov 7, 2010 | Antisemitism, Death, History, Ideas, Jewish, Shoah
Written and video interviews through The Atlantic. EmailMoreRedditTweetShare on...