by Pier Marton | Dec 4, 2012 | Politics
Democrats, here are eight principles to guide you in the coming showdown over the fiscal cliff: ONE: HOLD YOUR GROUND. The wealthy have to pay their fair share of taxes. That’s what the election was all about, and we won. It’s only fair they pay more. They’re taking...
by Pier Marton | Dec 3, 2012 | Antisemitism, Human Rights, Ideas, Jewish, Juif, Magyar, Politics, Racism
Mi Magyarok megvédjük Zsidó honfitársainkat. We the Hungarians will defend our compatriots. Nous les Hongrois nous défendrons nos compatriotes. Viktor Orban Viktor, Miniszterelnök, Prime Minister of Hungary, Premier Ministre de Hongrie. Said in the Hungarian...
by Pier Marton | Nov 22, 2012 | Care, Eco, Food, Humor, Ideas, Jewish, Sci/Nat
Previously posted a year ago… This is the time again for “My Life as a Turkey.” Excerpts: More: The full episode on the web. Can be viewed also on the mobile app “PBS.” Joe Hutto’s book Larry David’s Memories of Thanksgiving...
by Pier Marton | Nov 18, 2012 | Afri, Asia, Doc, France, Human Rights, Middle-East, Review, STL
The St. Louis International Film Festival is rounding up; as always an amazing round-up of jewels from all around the world… I wish I could have found the time to write individual longer reviews this year. Below, based on what I was able to watch, my own...
by Pier Marton | Nov 15, 2012 | Middle-East, Politics, Racism, Wars, Women
Nina Menkes, the filmmaker, says “DEAR BIBI and HAMAS: DEFINITION OF INSANITY–KEEP DOING THE SAME THING AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS.” A message to Israel’s leaders: Don’t defend me – not like this. [en Français ci-dessous: «Ne nous...